Syncterm batch upload
Syncterm batch upload

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Since you'll be using the operator assisted dial feature it doesn't matter what area code and number you put in, but to keep things neat you might as well put in the number of the BBS.


Now since whatever dialup BBS you are calling is most likely long distance, I am going to explain how to set this up so that you can do whatever you have to do to make the call and not connect until the number of the BBS is actually ringing. For now I will assume you are connecting using your modem, hence a dialup BBS. Now the question is, "What kind of board are you connecting to?".

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Name it whatever you like, use whatever icon. Run hypertrm.exe and it will bring up the program with a new connection window. To start it up go to Start -> Program Files -> Accessories -> Communications -> Hyperterminal. The terminal program we are going to use is hyperterminal because if you are running windows you already have it. This article is geared for those with Windows 95/98, sorry to you UNIX folks but I am not familiar with the terminal programs for it. This article is meant as a guide for dialing/telneting to these boards, how to get around once you're on, and prop!Įr etiquette. Some great discussions are held on these boards every day, from California to Germany, some people are still keeping the BBS scene alive. In fact I maintain a growing list of BBSs around the world, telnet and dial up boards in fact. Of course it's not what it used to be, but it's something for us who missed those days to look at and enjoy. Believe it or not, here in the year 2000 BBSing is not dead. But those days are over, the great boards of yesteryear are nothing more but ANSI filled memories right? Wrong. Many started as newbies and by the end were experts assisting other newcomers. Bulletin Board Systems were the way most hackers and phreakers learned great things. Times of wide spread knowledge, great ezines, terrific research, and most importantly the time of BBSing. The 80's are forever remembered in our hacking and phreaking history as the good old days.

Syncterm batch upload